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My extraordinary grad gift!
Saturday, July 3, 2010 ♔

Introducing - cing - cing. MY GRAD GIFT. THE ZUNE HD! 
Okay, so I was needing another music player. I used to have the Apple iPod Nano Chromatic. It was the 8 GB one. And I was needing a new one so badly! I was begging my parents, but they were like "money problems." And my Dad was like, "You have one already!" Welll.. They got me a Zune HD 32 GB For my graduation present. I was sooo happy! For all you MP3 lovers, I recommend the Zune more than the iPod. It's Uh-Mazin'. Let me say it one more time,
UH-MAZIN' It has great battery life, and the navigation is great, and all that other good stuff. Hmm. Well, i'm just a happy camper, and I don't need anything anymoar. Just clothes! Haha, Goodnight~ 

-Chloe ^^,

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Posted by — Chloe.