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7:38 PM

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Aloe , Lychee + Oragami stars!
Sunday, September 12, 2010 ♔

I hear this drink is really good for your skin? Well I went to the Asian market  and I decided to try it. It was only .89 and it tastes really good to me. I thought it would taste weird, but Oh the things you do for a clear face. It kind of tasted like Lychee. Speaking of Lychee....
I got my Lychee jelly snacks. So freaking good. I love these things. Lychee is one my favorite fruit. Herher.

I've been making alot of oragami stars lately. They are really fun and addicting to make. My fingers kinda hurt because of all the squashing. I hope to fill the jar. xD And make lots! 

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Posted by — Chloe.