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12:10 AM

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The Deathly Hallows pt 1.
Sunday, November 28, 2010 ♔

So I saw Harry Potter today. (Nov 27.) The movie I have been anticipating for about 3 months. Let me just say.... "HOMIGOSH" They left somethings out of the book, but it was still pretty good. Most of the first part is just about them getting the horcruxes and shtuff. Dobby's death was sad.. BUT HE'S SO CUTE. And.. hehe, Ronald Weasley, you were looking mighty fine dur.


And then I did a little bit of shopping. AGAIN. But I don't care. I love shopping. I love clothes. 
There wasn't much at the store, but I got 2 things. 

I got this nifty Domo shirt, and this really cool ring. The shirt was $8 and the ring was.. $12 Normally I don't like stretch rings, but it's just too cool. Yay, new clothes and accessories. Always good. Good day too. 

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Posted by — Chloe.