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9:30 PM

✎ posted on
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 ♔

Has been crazy yo. Well actually not really, but in my views it has. I had no homework really, but in English we are starting Romeo and Juliet and I do not want to know what project we have to do for that. I really need to get my grade up in there same with Biology. Ack~
So, we had the TAKS Tuesday. It was so stupidddddd. I hate them, I think they are pointless. (BTW, only TX has them) I hope I did good on my OER -bits nails-

I'm starting to not have a problem with Teen Leadership because we do nothing in there, so yeah. xD It doesn't bother me that much anymore.

For some reason, it feels like I've changed? My spirits have been elated. I feel more happy than I have been for the last month. I dunno, but I feel like my old self again. Yay~

ON SATURDAY ELIZABETH AND JACQUIE ARE COMING OVER WHOOP-DE-DOOP. I haven't had fun in a while. HEHE. Stupid school. ><

I have a test tommorow. It's 70 questions. I left my review in my locker, which results me into not studying. I'm really stupid. Bah. I'll cram. As always. xD

Omg HOA DRAWS THE CUTEST THINGS I FREAGGING SWEAR. One day I'll post a pic, but I don't have one right now.
This post is basically about nothing, just talking about random shit. LOL.

wow, I really need to paint my nails....

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Posted by — Chloe.