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Dedicated To Maricor/Mommy. Why I love you.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 ♔

6th Grade band, 2008.
(Sorry if this is cheesy)


 Your the greatest.
 You make me smile.
 Your so down to earth.
 Your so silly.
 You care.
 You listen.
 Your always there.
 Your Korean at the heart.
 You are like the sun, you brighten the whole world.
 Your mine.

(LOL. Listen to my Y~ Sorry, I had to.)

 I am so glad we met. Glad you had an interest in music, and you chose the woodwind instrument. If not, where would we be now? Even though I've made new friends after my move, the biggest thing that was hard for me was leaving you behind. At least we kept the promise to stay in touch, and to continue getting together. I really do wish that we can stay friends forever, even though sometimes it's just words. I don't want it to be words, I want it to be real. Plus, your the Korean mommy who is osm. OSM. When we learn Korean, we shall speak in Korean to eachother.  Muahaha. xD Bye for nao. -waves-.

- Love, Your daughter, Chloe.

 Like mother, Like Daughter, My other half.

P.S Readers, She's not my REAL mom. xD

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Posted by — Chloe.