Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge Day 16
Saturday, July 31, 2010 ♔
Day 16 - Your favorite Olympian (including Hades and Hestia)
Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have no idea. I forgot all the names, and what they do. Hehe.. maybe Dionysus? I like how he can make fruit and stuff grow fast. I like food. So yum. :D And he has the evil wrath where you see grapes in his eyes or whatever. xDLabels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
The Titanic
Friday, July 30, 2010 ♔
Oh yus. One of my all time favorite Historical things. Ever. I mean. It just fascinates me so much to see what had happened, and on it's first journey too. The reason I typed this is because I just finished watching the movie (because I was bored) and then I decided to watch the behind the scenes. I mean the way they made this set, and how they made it look so real was amazing. I mean seriously, all the little detail, and all the graphics they put into it, I was just dwindled by it. They make everything look so real, and no wonder it took so long to make too. Ever since I was in 5th grade I would always read Titanic books, and study it because things like that grow on me. I then learned about the sister ships, and other ship wrecks. I'm not saying that I like seeing wrecks and stuff, but I find it very interesting. And there are also mysteries yet to be solved about that ship, and what really happened. Historians still don't know who's fault it really was, or why the "unsinkable" ship sunk. The forewarned ice warnings that they received were ignored? Who knows. Ah, but I shall always love this movie, and the history of the Titanic.
{May all those who died that day of April 12, 1912 R.I.P}Labels: movies
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge Day(s) 14 & 15
Day 14 - Your ideal movie cast
Ooh, yay! Okay I'll only do the main main characters.
Percy - Logan Lerman is fine (Teehee)
Grover - Some Mexican curly headed dude. (Can't think of any)
Annabeth - Anna Sophia Robb
Day 15 - Your favorite quote from the series
Oh geez, I have lots. But, I think this one is kinda funny. xD
"Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot."
"He's the sun god," I said.
"That's not what I meant." - The Titan's Curse.
Haha, Funnay stuff.Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
BACK 2 SCHOOL HAUL & painted nails!
Yayyyyyy. I went shopping today! :D My mommy was buying me lots of stuff! I ish very happy. I like the stuff I got, and it was quite expensive. It was for school, so most of the things on my list are completed. Here's a list of what I got.
• Kipling backpack - $60
• Style & Co purse - $50
• Jessica Simpson wallet - $8
• I <3 Nerds Sanrio bag - $50
• Black Chuck Taylor Converse - $40
Ilu mommy. ;]
My nails! I was bored, and I was watching Bubz' tutorial on her pretty Japanese nails, and I thought they looked cool. Of course I had none of the things she had, but I attempted. I think they look pretty cool, but it's starting to peel off. D: I'll have to take it off before I go to camp, so it's not more of a mess. But. I kinda like dem. :DLabels: everyday, nails, shopping
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 13
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 ♔
Day 13 - The Sea of Monsters movie: Yes or no?
Uh. If they actually make the movie more like the book, then yes. It would be interesting to see. And I can see more Logan Lerman. :DLabels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Daily MSN group chats
These are like my favorite things ever. They are so fun. You never know what happens, LOL. And some things make you laugh. Oh the joy.
We have weird SCNS btw. xD
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
23 xDD
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:56 PM):
i buy clothes there. and i am not gay.
-stands up- xD
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
^ lie
G R A Y - K A I ~ <3 ~ says (11:56 PM):
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:56 PM):
-runs around-
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
Anna says (11:56 PM):
-highfive- LOL i jsut imagined a dramatic scene
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:56 PM):
-sits on anya-
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
i imagined some fob asian child standing up
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:56 PM):
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:56 PM):
Anna says (11:57 PM):
-makes face
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:57 PM):
at least
G R A Y - K A I ~ <3 ~ says (11:57 PM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:57 PM):
my butt's not flat
Anna says (11:57 PM):
what do flat butts look like anyways!? isnt everyone's butt the same
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:57 PM):
Anna says (11:57 PM):
a butt is a butt
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:57 PM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:57 PM):
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:57 PM):
ghetto butt
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:57 PM):
it's the opposite
Kinky Chinky Binky says (11:57 PM):
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:57 PM):
are huge.
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:57 PM):
of steph's butt
Kinky Chinky Binky says (11:58 PM):
look at my butt.
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:58 PM):
Youngsaeng's butt says (11:58 PM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (11:58 PM):
mine is actually a good size? xD
Kinky Chinky Binky says (11:58 PM):
there's a difference.
Michu☆ says (12:19 AM):
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:19 AM):
ricky was about to sell his underwear in the garage sell
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:19 AM):
Michu☆ says (12:19 AM):
I would buy. JSK.
Youngsaeng's butt says (12:19 AM):
Michu☆ says (12:19 AM):
I don't even know.
Youngsaeng's butt says (12:19 AM):
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:19 AM):
whatever xD
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:19 AM):
he loooves me. ;D
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:19 AM):
he's 7.
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:20 AM):
well, yeah
he's in love with angelo
Michu☆ says (12:20 AM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:20 AM):
Michu☆ says (12:20 AM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:20 AM):
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:20 AM):
well, i think its only cause you played games with him
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:20 AM):
Kinky Chinky Binky says (12:20 AM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:20 AM):
G R A Y - K A I ~ <3 ~ says (12:20 AM):
dont call mah name dont call mah name khunlehandro
Michu☆ says (12:20 AM):
Taemin is a Duck. Quack Quack. says (12:20 AM):
it's so easy to get kids to like you xD
LUL. I love them. I love when Maricor randomly starts saying things. xDLabels: friends
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 12
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 ♔
Day 12 - Your favorite part in The Lightning Thief book that wasn’t included in the movie
Ho crap. I don't even remember what my favorite part was. Hm. Maybe the bathroom scene at camp. I wanted to see that. That would have been awesome. With all his cool water powers, haha. One thing I don't like about books that become movies, they don't incorporate the good parts. ;-;Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Another friend not going to my school
Monday, July 26, 2010 ♔
I hate this. Why? Your one of the people I first met on my first new school day. WHY. You shared laughs with me, stole my food, talked about your weird Yaoi obsessions. All those sleepovers, and mall days. I'm gonna miss you. The stupid rezoning. STUPID STUPID. I'm hoping we can still relive those moments, and have fun. Hopefully we continue our ever-growing friendship. <3.
That's 2 close friends not going to my school this year. D:
DA CREW WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER EK & KL!Labels: friends, rant
Posted by — Chloe.
Whatchu know about me?
Here is a little about me. ^^. Well yes, I do have a small about me on my side bar, but that's not enough info.
So, i'm just bored, so I decided to do this. Haha. Okay. I'll just make some random facts I guess?
○ I hate math. I hate it. HATE IT. It needs to die. I suck at it too.
○ I'm in marching band.
○ Starting my Freshman year.
○ I like Korean pop.
○ One of my favorite american bands is Paramore, oh, and All Time low. ;3
○ Love★com is my favorite anime/manga
○ I love food, especially noodles, yum.
○ I like cute little things.
○ I have a fetish for pens & pencils.
○ I love colorful things, but also simple and minimalistic.
○ I have a phone fetish.
○ I cannot live without my computer.
○ I'm really hyper and crazy, LUL, so be aware. Muahah.
○ I love layering necklaces
○ I love Avatar The Last Airbender series.
○ I love Star Wars
○ And I love Harry Potter.
So hopefully that's enough for you?
This Viet girl, JACQUIE. - Nom. I love her. BESTEST FRIEND EVA. No, i'm serious. So funny, pwetty, talented, silly, random, and uh-mazin'. We are like glued to eachother. When we have school, we're always like together when we can be. ^^. 3rd period was the best, and I hope we get some classes together this year! We better. And Jacquie and I always make weird things, and do weird things. But, we are osm. xD
This Pinoy girl, MARICOR - SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Is. AWESOMEEEE. Gah. She was my best friend when I used to go to school with her, but I moved. -.- We live pretty far nao, but we try to see eachother once in a while, so yeah. Hehe, we always, ALWAYS msn. I'm serious. xD We obsess too.
{De people who I go to the mall, movies, etc.. with}
+ Narissa R.
+ Eleanor K.
+ Hoa N.
+ Miranda C.
+ Cecilia A.
+ Cassie A.
+ Anya A.
+ Angelo A.
+ Anna I.
+ Tyler R.
+ Stephanie T.
+ Carlos L.
Labels: about me, friends
Posted by — Chloe.
I went swimming!
Annnnnnnnd. I got dark. D: I hate getting dark. Like seriously. It makes me look so weird, and boy-ish. I like being white looking, haha. See my mom is like really white, and my dad is dark, so i'm in between. I like that color. When it stays light. And in the summer I look like a toasted sesame seed. >.> No matter how much sunscreen I put on it doesn't matter! Oh, well, back to the swimming. So, we went to the community pool, and I was hoping there wasn't going to be alot of people there, and there wasn't! Yay for me! I don't like when alot, alot of people are there. It's fine if there are just a little bit. -Splash splash- That was the first time all summer I went to the pool, haha. I think i'm going bowling Wednesday. Yayy!
Fantastic, Fantastic, Elastic, Elastic<3.Labels: everyday, rant
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 11
Day 11 - Your least favorite scene in The Lightning Thief movie
Hm. Probably when he arrived at camp Half Blood. That was nothing like the book. It was so.. different. They didn't even show Clarisse, or when Annabeth was taking care of him. Neither the guy with all the eyes on him. (forgot his name) So yeah. Even his cabin was all fancy an crap. He's supposed to be living the in Poseidon cabin, not some weird log thing that has no doors. -.- Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 10
Sunday, July 25, 2010 ♔
Day 10 - Your favorite scene in The Lightning Thief movie
Oh! That's easy. When they went into the Lotus Casino and ate those Lotus-es. Actually that whole scene. Haha. It was pretty funny, specially when their faces changed. xD And then they were all like partying. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, and I was staring at Logan Lerman. Heh.Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Dude, GTFO.
If you don't like what I post about, then don't comment/reply/complain about what I post about. Just don't even read it. But no, you have to make things all complicated and then tell me crap about "why do you post about Asian things. Your not even Asian Asian." Dude, leave me alone. I know that. It's just my interest, not yours. Your just like to nag me because I have something I actually really like, and the thing you really like to do is to bother me about what I post. Just leave my status-es alone, and don't bother looking at my tumblr, or blogspot. Geez. If you don't like what I post, why do you continue to rant, and complain everyday? Just GTFO!! Labels: everday, rant
Posted by — Chloe.
T-Mobile LG dLite a.ka. Lollipop known in South Korea.
Saturday, July 24, 2010 ♔
Okay. So like. I really really want this phone. Not because it just came from Korea, but because it's so cool. o-o! I love the little cute animation thingies, and the cool pixels on the front! Even though it's an traditional t9 style, I wouldn't mind. I currently have the Samsung Comeback, it's alright, but not that cool. >.> MAN. I WISH THEY HAD THIS PHONE WHEN I WAS READY TO GET A NEW ONE. Oh wells, maybe my parents will pull through. xD Lolli-Lolli-Lollipop.
Labels: phones
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 9
Day 9 - Your opinion on Alexandra Daddario as Annabeth Chase
I DISLIKED SO MUCH. Okay, I don't really know that actress, but I wish they got a blonde. I was thinking Anna Sophia Robb. I mean, she fits like perfect in the way she was in the book. And I mean that girl didn't even act like an Annabeth. She was so.. odd. Like an odd ball out. Ugh. Well, directors choice right? What can I do about it. I'm just stating opinions here.
P.S. Sorry, I haven't been posting alot other than this challenge, but I will be posting soon again. xDLabels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 8
Thursday, July 22, 2010 ♔
Day 8 - Logan Lerman or Jake Abel?
Ohohoho. Logan Lerman fo sho. His eyes<3. I'm not saying Jake Abel is ugly, I mean he's really cute too. And wasn't he in Harry Potter? But, Logan Lerman is like one of my American hottie crushes. He's really cute, and just UMFH. There you have it. My answer. I mean. Just look at him. <3Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Dessert is calling for me!
Now doesn't that just look yummy? Well, it was! -rubs tummy- I shall tell you what it is. It's an store bought brownie from Kroger, and some Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. Mmmmm. I warmed up the brownie, and then placed the ice cream on top. It's an inexpensive dessert, and very tasty & simple. The ice cream has a banana ice cream base mixed with Walnuts and dark chocolate chunks. It's one of my favorite ice creams of all time. Ahh, well, one day, you shall try it! :D
Maybe that's why i'm starting to get a little on the heavy side. *-*
Labels: treats
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 7
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 ♔
Day 7 - Your least favorite female character
..........AGAIN WITH THE COMPLICATED QUESTIONS. Well. Okay. At the beginning of the book I didn't really like Annabeth. I have no idea why, but I just didn't like her. She had a certain vibe. Annabeth came off as bossy, and moody to me, but maybe because thats just the way she was. In the further books she evolved like that to me too. That's my opinion though. Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 6
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 ♔
Day 6 - Your least favorite male character
Eeep. Another hard question. Well. Kinda. At first I really liked Luke before he became all "WHIPLASH I AM THE BAD GUY NAO". So. I guess it's Luke? But.. at the end I started to like him again because of what he did. Agh, complicated questions. So my answer is Luke, but it's later not? Ah, if you find things like this complicated like me then you will understand? xD I'm never good at these things. I might start another challenge. I dunno. Even those are kinda fun even when I cannot pick an exact answer. Oh wells. :DLabels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
The ice cream of the future - Dippin Dots. ◄

Ah yes! Dippin' Dots, the ice cream of the future. Hmm. I love these things! They are so yummy, and your mouth just like explodes. I was watching the food channel the other day and they were showing how these little icy balls of joy were made. I forgot where the store was located, but, they do have little stands scattered around the U.S. The one where I get my Dippin Dots at are in this mall called First Colony. The one cool thing about them is that they are really tasty, and fun to play with. It's kind of a mess free ice treat, and it's not only ice cream. They have like different flavored ice. My favorite flavors are Mint Chocolate Chip & Banana Split. Yum. I like when you put it in your mouth and you bite the little dots. Or you can just simply let them melt in your mouth. The one bad thing is that it melts pretty fast. When you have your hand around the cup, it produces some heat, and they start to melt faster than it would if you were eating on a table. (Just like any other ice cream.) Other than that, I think these are really cute, and JUST YUMMY.
Oh dear.. Nao I want some. >.>
{Mini review}
{Not my picture, credits to whoever took this.}Labels: food, treats
Posted by — Chloe.
SHINee's new MV Lucifer released! {◄ }
It's out! Finally! I've been waiting. Gah. So, I guess i'll do a mini review on what I think. I think it is. AMAZING. I mean, no story to it, but you get to fully see SHINee's new look, and the dance is pretty cool & simple. The little pelvic thrusts got me going. ;D I really like Taemin's hair. I wanna get my top layers like that LOLS. The song is really catchy too. That always helps. It's like almost any other music video, but I find something special. I don't know what just yet. Well, hope you fellow k-poppers enjoy it!
Labels: k-pop, music
Posted by — Chloe.
L-L-LUCIFER - SHINee / New album.
Monday, July 19, 2010 ♔
The highly most anticipated album to come out in the KPOP world. It's out now! I love this album, but this song is probably my favorite so far. I can't wait for the MV!
Labels: k-pop, music
Posted by — Chloe.
iCarly Maniac?
I think I just watched 4 hours of iCarly. Nickelodeon was playing lots of iCarly.. I mean LOTS. Like, after one was done it would show the UP NEXT screen, and say iCarly, but I sat there and watched it. I find that show pretty funny. I like Sam. She's so "out there" she's really funny, even though she's supposed to be obnoxious. And.. Freddy turned cute. Hehe. But, that show is all about random-ness. That's my kind of show. I actually laughed at some parts. Haha. Well. Random Rant.
○ChloeLabels: everyday, iCarly, rant, shows
Posted by — Chloe.
The rain is back, once again. It's really dark, and all you here is the constant rumble of thunder. It's crazy! No lightning, but the small little rumbles of thunder. It's not even raining yet! It's been raining for the past three days in a row. And pouring a lot too. Oh well. I kind of enjoy it. It makes me into my movie mood, and I can actually try to read that summer book. I always read the most in the rain. Ahh, rain can be good and bad. It just depends on how you look at it. Oh well. Random rant. xD
○Chloe.Labels: everyday, rain, rant
Posted by — Chloe.
Percy Jackson 30 day challenge Day 3,4,& 5.
Oopsie. I missed the last 3 days, so here's my last 3 days.
Day #3 - If you were a demigod, whose child would you be?
Ah, if I was a demigod.. I would want to be the child of.... Hm. Probably Poseidon. Not because Percy is, but I love water. I love being around it. Plus, you get all the really cool water powers. Pwuah.
Day #4 - Your favorite male character
Percy! Not because he's the main, but he has courage, and lots of other qualities, and he cares for his mother, and hardly backs down.
Day #5 - Your favorite female character
Hmmmm.. probably Rachel in the further books. She's determined, and she's promising. She doesn't tell Percy's secret, and she later becomes the orcle, she's really brave.
○Chloe. Labels: Percy Jackson 30 Day Challenge
Posted by — Chloe.
Bowling / Sniffing Candles / NU ABO / Stalking / Mall.
Wow. Lots of things in the title. xD
So, I had like so much fun when my friend came over. I think she came over around 1:30 Friday afternoon. Well, we had a list, but... We hardly did anything on it! LOL. First, we were just browsing the computer, you know, looking at KPOP stars, and other things. Then we were on Tumblr for the longest time. Looking at the funny macros. After, we decided to watch some T.V. All we did was watch iCarly. Haha, It was like some marathon. It was funny though. And we were looking at Nathan Kress debating whether he's half Asian or not. His eyes are very chinky. xD But, sadly, he ish not. He's a full white. At least thats what the internet said. But, besides that point! My mom had said around 8:30 we would go bowling. It was my aunts party, but they let my friend tag alot. Oh, btw, her name is Jacquie.
BOWLING: So. We were at the bowling place, and we kept singing NU ABO. We had no idea why. It was stuck in our head. Oh, and 10 points out of 10 was too. The party arrived, and our two lanes were available. It was time to enter our names, and we were trying to be funny. Everyone else in our lane was putting fake names, so we did too. xD Jacquie was Sulli - The member from f(x), and I was Taec - From 2PM. LOL. Everyone was like.. wtf. Jacquie and I got bumpers on our lane because we are just so awesome like that. I forgot what my score was.. something in the 100's LOL. I suck even with bumpers. Oh, and my mom put her name as Rain - as in Bi Rain. xD
NU ABO: After bowling, Jacquie and me went home while my parents went to a party. We decided to learn the dance to NU ABO since that song kept lingering in our minds. Plus we did other dances like, Again and Again, 10 points out of 10, Genie, Gee, and Oh! We were also doing random flips like Jaebeom. xD We almost mastered NU ABO. It was fun. Then we checked the clock , and it was freaking 2AM. And.. we were all like.. we were dancing for 3 HOURS? Holey Moley. After, we were so tired and sweaty, we decided to go relax on the computer.
STALKING ON THE COMPUTER: After we were all washed up, we decided to go on the computer for some time. We were on facebook, and we saw this really really really really cute guy. I don't want to reveal his identity, but DANG was he cute. Like seriously. We were watching all his youtube vids, and looking through his pics. I hope that doesn't weird people out, but too late. We already do. xD After all that stalking, and a little bit of Wild Bunny - 2PM, we decided to hit the hay stack. Since it was 4 in the morning already, and we had to wake up kinda early to go to the mall. -.-
MALL: We woke up "early" as you would say. If you consider 12:30 early. Well, we woke up showered and got ready. We were at the mall and we were supposed to meet our other friend there. Turns out, she never showed up. -.- It was not boring, but just quiet since it was just Jacquie and Me. But, we made some fun. We went around the mall, and walked out to get some Starbucks. We both ordered Passion Fruit tea at the Barnes and Nobles bookstore. Jacquie got me addicted to that tea. It is filled with fruity deliciousness. After, we visited the Sanrio store. They didn't have the usual cute stuff they have. It seemed really empty there that day. I was disappointed. D: I wanted to buy some cute stuff, but since there was really nothing, I didn't get anything. After we went to forever 21, and I saw this necklace I wanted so I bought it. xD.
Here it is:
It was only $4.80. And I really liked it. They had another one that said Amazing, and Jacquie though it said Annyeong~. The Korean has been implanted in her brain. Our stomachs started growling, so we headed to Sbarro to get some yummy oil infested pizza. Despite all the oil, it was yum-o.
SNIFFING CANDLES: We headed into the Bath and Body works store, because it always smells good. We started to sniff candles since we had nothing else to do. We distinguished the ones we liked, and the ones we didn't. Ones that were really good were the Sweet Pea, and Pomegranate something. I felt like eating it.
After the candle store, we got really bored and went into the bookstore to just sit and read some manga. I read Love★Com. It's one of my fav Anime's, and the live action movie is pretty funny. Koike Teppai is so cute. I really wanted to buy the manga, but it was pretty expensive. I'm saving up for some cool school things. That sounds really nerdy, but whatever.
THE DAYS END: Unfortunatly, she had to leave. :c I was sad, but at least I got to see her. The last time I saw her was at the 2PM & WG concert. I hope to get classes with her at school!
Love you Jacquie.<3.
Labels: everyday, friends
Posted by — Chloe.