Looking back at 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010 ♔
The year is ending! Lets see, 2010. What can I say about you. Sure you were a bitch at times, but I have key- points I liked about you.
- Making new friends I can trust. <3
- Discovering tumblr, or was that 2009? BUT ANYWAYS.
- Surviving marching band, and actually creating fond memories
- Having good friends, old ones.
- Staying in touch with people.
- Being happy for the most part.
- Making a blogspot ( i enjoy )
- Just everything I am blessed to have.
I'm glad to have what I have, and know what I love. To be a healthy child, and for being loved by people. Makes me happy I can count on them.
HERE WE GO 2011, lets hope your not a bitch.
Labels: new year
Posted by — Chloe.
Guess what I got~
Thursday, December 30, 2010 ♔
Finally! I got them! It cost me an arm and a leg, but I got them! :D Lets see.. the total was about.. $60? BUT it was so worth it. When I was little I had Animal Crossing, and I used to play it everyday. I love that game so much, but then when I moved, it was GONE. I was longing to buy a new one, so I bought this one! Oh how I love this game.
And Kingdom Hearts is so damn addicting I swear. I can't put my PSP down. I like alternate between those two. (Ven is purty cute) xD
- Kingdom Hearts BBS: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (Due to long load times)
- Animal Crossing: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love them both<3
Labels: gaming
Posted by — Chloe.
That feeling..
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 ♔
When you listen to a song and it’s about Heartbreak, falling out of love, being cheated on, just everything. Does it make you cry? Or does the video have a story behind the song, and the tempo, lyrics, and beat just make you bawl like a baby? Or if there is a story of a girl who is in love with her best friend and some other girl comes and takes him away. How she desperately struggles to remain happy, but then decides to leave? Just seeing her like that makes you cry. Maybe because we’ve had pasts like that. Who knows. Or a certain song, that you had with an ex -boy or girlfriend. It plays randomly and you start to tear up because of the cherishing time you had with that person? Things happen I guess.Labels: feelings, love
Posted by — Chloe.
Monday, December 27, 2010 ♔
Yup, thats me. Most people take it by surprise when I tell them I'm like a hardcore gamer. From MMORPGS, RPGS, Wii, PS3, PSP, and much more, I just game. I love them. I'm more of a Simulator type person, but I loooove action too. I love
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. Those are like the big online ones, like WOW, and the other free ones. Right now I'm testing out Iris Online, it's pretty good and addicting.
For my platform gaming I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want these 2 games:
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
- Animal Crossing City Folk
Kingdom Hearts: I've only played it once and it was the first one that came out, and I only played that for a bit due to my ps2 being gone. Birth By Sleep is a prequel to all of this with Ventus, Aqua, and Tera. (ventus is kind of cute LOL). You can play each of them and follow their story, and there is lots of combat. I plan to buy it this week.
Animal Crossing: Played the original Gamecube one when I was around 8-10. I love this game, I don't know but I do. There is so much to do in it, and it's so cute and fun. I plan to get this around this week too.
Don't forget: Girls can be just as good gamers as guys.
Labels: entertainment, gaming
Posted by — Chloe.
I have to say, I had a goood Christmas. We usually have about 8 people over for Christmas. They stay for a week, (they usually visit from Canada), and it's always hectic.But we had a quiet Christmas and it was nice. We just had a little small party for dessert and coffee Christmas day. I like what I got, and I got some pretty cute stuff! I don't feel like posting everything I got, but I mostly got jewelry and clothes. I also got lots o money from family! But here are some things:

It's a Domo backpack! (it's so soft xD)

Hello Kitty plushie

And a black messenger bag.
I also decorated my phone for Christmas! Well, just the Christmas tree right there. I need to buy some more stickers for my phone, but I'm afraid of damaging it. And when I went to this Japanese store, they were like sold out of the little puffy stickers! I was like R U SERIOUS?! Plus, I was going to buy some for Jacquie.
Bah, but I need to put more stuff on my phone. I NEED STRAWBERRIES! One day I shall get some!
Labels: Christmas, phones
Posted by — Chloe.
Nice talk.
Friday, December 24, 2010 ♔
Well. I had a nice talk with Narissa. It feels like I haven't talked to her in a while.. I hope I'm not falling apart from my friends. I've known her since 7th grade, about the 2nd or 3rd week of my new school. But anyways.. She chatted me about her being hacked on Facebook.

Nah, thats not funny, but still. We were talking about her paranoia, and then it got personal. I'm not putting what we talked about on here,
obviously. But we used to have these type of "talks" alot. And even though they are like .. about certain things, I felt like I had a rejoined friendship. I don't know, it's just me. I don't want to lose close people.
Labels: everyday, friends
Posted by — Chloe.
That feeling..
When you see cute couples together. In school, t.v shows, movies, in the outside world. That feeling "awhhh so cute!", but what your really thinking is, "I wish that could be me" or "if only I had that someone". Something along those lines. You carry a smile, but it slowly fades once you realize that your single, or you had a last bad relationship. There may be no rush, but everyone wants someone right? To spend those late nights, talk to on the phone, to cuddle, to cry on the shoulder of, to laugh with, and to do all the cute things with. But therefore this is life, and we put out as much as some of us can take. I guess the ones without a significant other, bad relationships, in a bad relationship, and the hopeless romantics have to take a chance one day. We just have to wait, no matter how much we want. We just have to wait..
Labels: love, random
Posted by — Chloe.
Changed tumblr?
Monday, December 20, 2010 ♔
I don't think I'm keeping this one. LOL.. I change my things too much. Something about this one that I don't like.. idk. But it's probably going to be changed after.
Now :
Labels: design, everyday, random
Posted by — Chloe.
Coffee lovers?
Do you like coffee? Can you never just get enough? Well there is this candy, and it tastes just like coffee! It's so good. It's basically a hard candy thats coffee flavored, but they use real coffee beans and everything. They're are many flavors, but my favorite is the Cappuccino one.
(Below) Also, my favorite brand is Kopiko. There are more brands, so feel free to try. You can buy them at any Asian food supermarket, and they range for about
$1.29 a bag. There are quite a few in it, so it's a good price.
Caramel on top, and coffee on bottom.
(excuse my ugly nail XD)
Taste: ★★★★★
Labels: food, treats
Posted by — Chloe.
Holiday Treats
These are what you call Cheesecake lollipops. *O* I know. Don't they look so tasty!? Jacquie and I made them. Mmmmm.. My aunt sent the recipe and I just had to have some. I like the ones with the holiday sprinkles the most. Want one? :)
(And for some reason my other pictures don't want to load.. so... I can't show you guys the other things I made D:)
Labels: food, treats
Posted by — Chloe.
Friday, December 17, 2010 ♔
Is the worse thing. I worship people who have flawless skin. I try everything and my face is still AJKHCKJA. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I hate it. So much. My Christmas wish is for it to go away. And never come back..
please, and thank you.
Labels: rant
Posted by — Chloe.
EXAMS - Updates
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 ♔
French was.... interesting. I mixed up the verbs DANGSIT. Ahh, I really hope I did good. I'm actually not stressing about exams. I'm really only taking 3 exams. So, nothing major. Algebra tomorrow, and then I'm done. My break starts!
- Photojournalism (all we’re doing is watching a movie, so nothing here)
French <— NEED TO STUDY. I don’t know all of the verbs :’3
- Biology (exempt from)
- Algebra 1 (going to be easy)
- Band (We’re not doing anything)
- English (I’m exempt from)
World (Taken)
So I basically have to take 1 more test. I’m not going to school Friday so my break starts early. BOOYAH.
Labels: everyday, holiday, school life
Posted by — Chloe.
Sunday, December 12, 2010 ♔
Bend It Like Beckham is the best movie. I love that movie so much. I have no idea why, but it's like my all time favorite movie.
Also staying up till 3:30 in the morning talking 3 way on the phone is awesome guys. With Jacquie and Angelo oh yes. Especially when we have nothing to talk about it's always funny. XD and I had saw Jacquie that day too. :P But I woke up with a killer headache. ._. not fun.
Labels: everyday, friends, movies
Posted by — Chloe.
I find this cute..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010 ♔
So today in Bio, Jacquie, Linda, and I were sitting and working. And one of our friends told us how he was going to ask out this girl:
First he said he was going to make a clue and give them too her. After she follows all these clues, she's going to end up by him. I think(?) And then he's going to ask her out. It's so cute!
Meanwhile.. in Jacquie and Chloe's mind..
♪ All by myself ♫
Labels: cute things, everyday
Posted by — Chloe.
Stress levels increasing
Monday, December 6, 2010 ♔
Don't you hate how you put so much effort into things for people? You do almost everything for them, give them the most thoughtful things, and so on. But what do you get? Nothing. Or so very little. I know it's kind of selfish, but it gets tiring after awhile. Oh well, at least I'm doing something good to make them feel better.
English.. you are killing me so much. These dialectical journals are ripping my head apart. After it's graded, i'm lighting a
fire, and your going in it.
I had about 4 tests today. Oh gosh. So overwhelmed. Plus band practice after school, taking care of exemptions, and so forth. I am so STRESSED ><
Tumblr... Y U STILL DOWN. I miss you. Come hither. I miss the fun and joy you bring to me. Wow.. I'm talking about a website. I have no life, whatsoever. If my life was a high school movie, I would be the one everyone rejects.
Labels: everyday, rant, school life
Posted by — Chloe.
It's December!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 ♔
It's so cold. LOL. Ah well looking forward to hot coco, and warm-ness. All I need is a cuddle buddy.. Ah, I love Decemeber it's so Jolly. It is when I'm the happiest. c:
Labels: December
Posted by — Chloe.
You are so ignorant. I am sick and tired of you.
Labels: rage
Posted by — Chloe.