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12:03 AM

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Someone just came up to me.. and said TAG!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 ♔

Here are the rules: 
1. Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
2. You have to choose and tag ten people.
3. Go to their blogs and tell them that you tagged them.
4. No tag backs.
5. Have some fun.

1. I love floral stuff. So much.
2. I have a really bad obsession with technology.
3. I'm deathly afraid of heights.
4. My obsession with Strawberries grows everyday.
5. Watching Disney Channel is still amusing to me.
6. I want to travel with friends.
7. I think my 2 favorite features on me is my hair and eyes.
8. I like being short.
9. I can get really hyper and loud.
10. I'm so fat I dream about food.

Now, I would tag people, but I dont really have any affies! If your reading this, feel free to be tagged because I am tagging you if you are reading this.... xD


Posted by — Chloe.